Book Search & Book Shelves
What kind of books can students Search for on Biblionasium?The Biblionasium catalog contains over 1.2 million children's titles. Users can SEARCH for books by title, author, genre and reading level. Since Biblionasium's platform supports children 6-13 years of age, we do limit the Search to only titles that have been designated by their publishers as appropriate for children. We also occasionally filter titles that include terms or words that might be offensive to some users.
What happens if an Educator or a Student wants to Add a book to their bookshelf, which was not available through the Biblionasium catalog?Every time you Search for books, the Search result ends with the following option: “Can't find a book? Add it yourself”. Simply select that option to ADD a title.
How is Biblionasium connected to a School's Destiny Library catalog?When you have a linked version of Destiny and Biblionasium, your Destiny school library catalog is then integrated and available in Biblionasium. As users Search for books and Add books to their bookshelves, they can see the status of the books in their School Library. If a book is not in their library, it will not have a status.
How is the Book Status determined?The book status information is based on matching the ISBN of a title you ADD to your bookshelf in Biblionasium, to the same ISBN in your Destiny book catalog.
When you Search and ADD any book to your Biblionasium shelf, you can see the ISBN displayed in the title information.
If you have a book in your Destiny Catalog, that is not showing the status in Biblionasium, please ADD the ISBN to your Destiny record for future matchups. Any title has multiple ISBNs associated with it and there might be an ISBN missing from your catalog.
What are the different icons and what do they mean?When a book is IN and available for checkout, there is a green “IN” icon. When a book is in the library but is not currently available for checkout, there is red “OUT” icon. When a book is in the library but the status is currently unknown, there is a blue “HOME” icon. If a book is not in the library collection, there is no status icon displayed.
Biblionasium does not currently offer online content. However, if you are a Destiny school with an integrated version of Biblionasium, your students can directly access your Destiny catalog and read any E-Book that is available through your Destiny catalog.
Can students check out a book from our school library in Biblionasium?For any title in your School Library, there is direct link from the book information page in Biblionasium, to the book information page in Destiny. Users can select the “Check my Library” option and will then have access to Check out, Put on Hold or can perform any other Destiny library function that is available to them.